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Radisson San Jose-Costa Rica

Radisson San Jose-Costa Rica

  • Check-in

    Rates valid from October 17th to October 24th, 2019 only

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    # Nights ----> Room

    • per room

    # Nights ----> Room

    • per room

    # Nights ----> Room

    • per room

SKU: Radisson-SanJose Category: Tag:


  • Breakfast Buffet
  • Standard Room
  • Internet WIFI
  • Hotel Tax (13%)

Each of the spacious guest rooms and suites features at the San Jose Hotel maintains the balance between sophisticated and sober decoration that creates a pleasant atmosphere, with the facilities of a modern hotel.  With the new executive floor, the hotel offers an environment and exclusive atmosphere complemented with customized services.

Location: Strategically located in the capital at only 25 minutes of Juan Santamaria International Airport

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