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Sleep Inn Hotel Paseo Las Damas

Sleep Inn Hotel Paseo Las Damas

  • Check-in

    Rates valid from October 17th to October 24th, 2019 only

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    # Nights ----> Room

    • per room

    # Nights ----> Room

    • per room

    # Nights ----> Room

    • per room

SKU: Sleep-Inn Category: Tag:


  • Breakfast Buffet
  • Standard Room
  • Internet WIFI
  • Hotel Tax (13%)

The hotel is located in the heart of San José, from its location it is possible to visit all the attractions offered from the old downtown walking just some minutes.

Location: Situated in the heart of San José downtown, 25 minutes from the international airport Juan Santamaria and 11,9km from the Costa Rica Convention Center

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